Jessie (Aneeterbeg Brianna WC)

Jessie was imported from Scotland to us as a 15 week old pup. Her parents are FTW Aneeterbeg Neville x FTCH Carrickview Holly. She was picked up at the airport by the people who import for us, and when they called me they said “oh my Kristy, you are absolutely going to love this little girl!! She is so wonderful!!” Well… they were right. Jessie is a girl who nothing phases, she takes everything in stride. New places, new people, new sights and sounds, and most importantly new training situations. Jessie is a dog who absolute loves to work. She is a girl who wants to make you happy, she wants to hear “Good Dog”, and she gives it her all every second that she is working or training. When we are not in the field or training Jessie has that typical British Lab “OFF” switch. She loves to lay at our feet, sit with the kids, lay around the house, and follow us around the yard, go for truck rides, and come along on the walking trails in town showing off how well behaved she is.


Fizz (Emmanygan Prosecco)


Asher (Westerkames Holly WC)